Saturday, January 8, 2011

Different yet so very familiar

Greetings Plymouth!

This morning we attended Cathedral Church, which is one of the two main congregations in Kottayam that are part of the Church of South India - our host.  Peter delivered the sermon - so we all felt quite at home during that portion of the service.

In fact, I felt right at home throughout the entire service!  I grew up in North Carolina in the Episcopal Church and the service today was exactly the same!  The parts of the liturgy that I had memorized from my childhood came right back to me.  The service was in English (thank goodness) - but they actually spoke the prayers much faster than we are accustomed to doing.  The first hymn was "For the beauty of the Earth" nothing like starting the morning off with one of my favorite hymns.  After travelling more than 8,000 miles little familiarities are such a comfort!

We are all having a wonderful time - such a fantastic experience.  I am deeply honored and humbled to be a part of this experience and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you all when we return.

And don't worry Plymouth, Peter represented us well this morning and I was so touched by his message!

- Sarah Oatsvall


  1. I'm glad you could find a bit of home so far away. You are loved and blessed wherever you go!

  2. love it! that's one of the things I love most about liturgy and hymnology -- the sense of people in all places and all times being connected to the worship I'm doing in that moment. Cool post. :)
